Monday, March 26, 2012

My first impression of Cinta Buat Emelda

Okay, I watched Cinta Buat Emelda on Tonton today..Well, I can't watch it live as I have classes at 6.00 until 9.00 on Monday till Thursday, the same time this drama was aired..Huhu..The quality of video is not good..Poor me!!! But it's okay..

Let's talk about its first episode!What's my first impression?

(Believe me, it's very RARE for me to say this!Hehe..)

It's a little bit different from the novel but who cares?Hehe..Maybe it can be better or equally good.^_^

So, what I like about the first episode?
A LOT!!!

I like Aril met Emelda today..I like they bumped each other for the first time and Dania started to dream about his father and Aril started to dream about Emira..It's kind of a hint that they'll meet each again so soon...

And...Yes!!!They did meet again!Yeay!I like how fast the story goes...

I also like what Emelda said when her father asked her what would she said to Dania's father if she meets him again. She would thank him because he made her strong in facing all problems and challenges...It's very rare to hear that answer from a heroin in a Malay drama..That's the way to go, Emelda!

Another thing I like about this drama so far is her parents accept her and weren't being prejudice against her because she has an out-of-wedlock daughter..(Well, she's not her daughter, anyway.Hehe..)

This drama is different...Hopefully, it'll stay great until the end..Please don't disappoint me, dear..As I'm really in love with you, now..Hehe...

Here's the ost of the drama;  Hatimu Milikku by Nera AF9

Credit goes to the owner of the video.


Anonymous said...

adoi. berbelit belit cerita dlm novel. drama ok la sikit

Shafiqah Rashid said...

i have watched this drama before,
and what i can say this drama so AWESOME !
seriously :)

Tale STeLLaR said...

I agree with u,misluvcoklat.It's very rare to see a novel that has been well adapted into a drama.

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