Monday, August 26, 2013

My destiny as an English teacher

Frankly speaking, I've never thought of being a teacher. I've always wanted to be a lawyer but destiny has led me to be a teacher, specifically, an English teacher. Now, I'm on the way to be an English lecturer. In fact, I've just completed my Masters Degree in TESL and I'm going to do PhD really soon. Yeah, I know...How ironic is that for someone who has never had an intention to be a teacher before, right?

But when I looked back into my life history, everything has been written actually. I still remember how passionate I was about English (I still do now). It's all started when I saw my senior gave a speech in English during an assembly. She put me in awe.Since then, I told myself that I wanted to be as good as her. I was only 13 years old then. After that, when I was in Form 4, I'd been asked to teach English to my classmates by my teacher. Seeing how my classmates were able to understand and thankful to me for teaching them, it gave me a great self-satisfaction. That feeling continues until now. I guess that's why, I opted to drop my dream of being a lawyer and chose to teach English.

However, teaching is NOT as easy as it may seem...

After finishing my Bachelors Degree in TESL, I've worked as an associate instructor in an international English language centre. I taught an Intensive  English program to mostly international, male students. I loved teaching there but the pressure was too big to handle..I was stressed out..Non-teaching work sucked out my energy..Many students were so demanding..Some of them're really rude, had no respect and were very pushy. I must say that, I did lose my temper several times..Well, who could handle students who're yelling at your face,  forcing you to pass them and tagging you for a few days? The incidents did not only drive me angry and crazy but I was freaked out and scared of the students...

But that doesn't mean I didn't have good students. I did and they're sooooo amazing!They respect and appreciate me a lot, even after I stopped teaching them. I guess that's what makes me where I am now...IN LOVE IN TEACHING English!


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